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7. SoftComputing-SCIE Indexed (Springer)

A novel two-stage optimized model for logo-based document image retrieval based on a soft computing framework(Download)

6. IJITEE-Scopus Indexed (BEIESP)

A Novel Logo-Based Document Retrieval Using Hybrid Fuzzy Based CSA(Download)

5. CAEE-SCIE Indexed (Elsevier)

4. IJCAET-Scopus Indexed (Inder Science-In Press)

A Novel Automatic System for Logo Based Document Image Retrieval Using Hybrid SVDM-DLNN(Download)

3. IJET(UAE)-Scopus Indexed (Science Publishing Corporation)

The Role and Utilization of CNN in Automatic Logo based Document Image Retrieval Methods-DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.1.16786(Download)

2. IJAER-Scopus Indexed(Research India Publications)

1. Helix-Thomson Reuters Web of Science (BDRC Press)

My Review Certificates as on 10-05-2020 (Download)

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