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Dear Students! The links for Quiz-1 and Quiz-2 are established with our Google Class Room Page. There You can directly attempt the Quizzes for Mid-2

(any number of times) and the evaluations (Keys) for your submissions

can be obtained immediately. Make use of this very good

opportunity to improve your knowledge and to

score good marks in the midterm examination

*** All the Best ***

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Question & Answers for Class Test-3 on 02-04-2019


1. Write various low power modes of MSP 430?


2. Define Watchdog Timer?

3. Write Features of FRAM Technology?

4. List out the Addressing modes of MSP430?

5. Write the Features of MSP430X5XXseries?


1. Explain the Block Diagram of MSP430X5XX series

    with a neat diagram?


2. Draw and explain System Clocks of MSP430?



The Following is the Result for the selection of Best Seminar Topic Obtained from Polling of III ECE-D Students

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